From: Andie Brazewell [notification+mw25gxkn_at_facebookmail_dot_com]

Sent: 15 June 2012 11:38

Subject: [Steampunk Summer Solstice] It has taken us on a strangely enjoyable journey,...


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It has taken us on a strangely enjoyable...

Andie Brazewell

15 June 11:37

It has taken us on a strangely enjoyable journey, we have met many who we did not know were among us, it has been waiting for us, always ahead in the future, for this day, for us all to join together and be one, for a brief moment in time, tomorrow...on bahalf of the Derbyshire Steampunk and Time Travellers Guild in collaboration with Flying Tomato Promotions...we will celebrate with music and dance the Steampunk Summer Solstice and you will all be very welcome =(;-)=